Providing education and training to 95,000 young and adult learners each year from entry level to postgraduate and across a spectrum from the most disadvantaged to the most able, Lancashire’s colleges have a combined turnover of just under £285m and employ around 7,000 people. They make a significant contribution to the Lancashire economy.

Our colleges have extensive networks of public and private sector partners and work with more than 10,000 businesses, supporting their staff in apprenticeships and other training. Each year Lancashire’s colleges train 10,000 apprentices and all have apprenticeship achievement rates above the national average. Two thirds of Lancashire’s 16-18 year old learners (not including apprentices) study in Lancashire’s colleges.

Almost 7,500 or 13% of higher education (HE) students based in Lancashire study at Lancashire’s colleges compared with 4% nationally. The 2nd and 3rd largest HE in FE providers nationally are Lancashire colleges with a further Lancashire college in the top 20.

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Man in college stood with arms folded

TLC Board Members

Our activities are overseen by a Board of Directors comprising the Principal and Chief Executive of each member college, supported by a small executive team. Member colleges include General Further Education Colleges, Sixth Form Colleges and a specialist land-based, science, engineering and sports college, reflecting the diversity of the college sector as a whole.

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Meet the TLC Team

Rosie Fearn


Rosie joined The Lancashire Colleges (TLC) in June 2016 after 12 years at the Skills Funding Agency and its predecessor organisations in funding, strategy and partnership management roles. Prior to that she worked for Local Authorities in Lancashire and Greater Manchester.

Rosie is responsible for developing and implementing the strategic priorities of TLC including delivery of TLC’s business plan and projects that support member colleges, their learners and communities.

Debbie Newell

Senior Administrator

Debbie joined The Lancashire Colleges in June 2017 after 14 years working in various marketing and communications roles for the Skills Funding Agency and its predecessor organisations.

Debbie supports the senior team with all aspects of TLC. She coordinates events, workshops and activities and supports all projects. Debbie works with multiple stakeholders to support TLC to maintain a high profile as trusted partners and promotes members achievements.

Lisa Bannister

Lisa Smith

Project and Partnerships Manager

Lisa joined The Lancashire Colleges in August 2020, bringing with her 7 years experience of effectively managing and coordinating projects in the education, engineering and construction sector.

Lisa is responsible for supporting the delivery of TLC’s priorities through strategic and operational management of key projects and partnerships, working collaboratively with member colleges, wider partners and key stakeholders.

Speak to one of the TLC team today

For more information about our current and/or future projects please get in touch by calling 01772 225128 or emailing us

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