Preston College
St Vincents Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8UR
Preston College has a rich history with firm foundations in providing technical education and skills for its community, with a vision to transform lives through education.
Preston College offers curriculum from entry level to higher education, with extensive apprenticeships and adult provision.
The College takes great pride in its community focus. It has a diverse mix of learners and staff, with curriculum and other activities planned to give everyone the capability to achieve their potential. In short, the College’s mission is ‘to inspire, educate and support our diverse community to reach its potential’.
The College is fully committed to supporting an inclusive community provision and as such has been accredited as a College of Sanctuary since 2018. This initiative recognises educational institutions that go above and beyond in providing a safe and supportive environment for learners, particularly those seeking sanctuary. Alongside this, widening access and participation is a fundamental element of the College Strategy and the College is passionate about ensuring that learners from under-represented groups and those from disadvantaged backgrounds have fair access to education.
Last inspected in January 2023, the College was recognised by Ofsted as Good in all areas and also achieved the top assessment of ‘Strong’ for its contribution to meeting Local Skills Needs, making Preston College the first in Lancashire to achieve the highest skills judgement within Ofsted’s newly enhanced inspection framework.